This is our very first post to share what we hope is just the beginning of a great adventure!
Welcome! We are very excited to announce our idea of turning our old family home into a share house! We have a long way to go in terms of cleaning up the place as it hasn't been inhabited for many years. However, we have a lot of ambition and are ready to get some work done! We hope you will enjoy seeing our progress as we blog what we do. Our first order of business is to clear the place of clutter and fix all the broken things, which there seems to be no shortage of.
"When I was young, I was so scared to go upstairs; it was dark and filled with giant bookcases and rat poo." Naomi said.
Since then, we have cleared the upstairs and it is now at a new level: liveable.
We have quite a bit of work ahead, so please wish us luck!